~passing along God’s love & healing to women~

Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you spend some time looking around because my desire is for you to know deep down that the God of the universe loves you completely and intimately. So, stay awhile and find out for yourself…

[email protected]

Statement of Intent
I am not a psychologist or counselor. I am not a theologian or pastor. My writings are a by-product of my life experiences, of my pain, of my background of a woman leaving a difficult marriage, of my twenty-six+ year walk with Christ. What I share here and in any other arena is my opinion and not personal counsel. I will never outright tell anyone to divorce. I remain 100% pro-marriage.

If you are a hurting woman in any area of your life, this is the advice I can give you with all confidence, no matter your situation and no matter my situation:
1. Pray for guidance.
2. Read Scripture.
3. Surround yourself with varied wise counsel, such as a church family, a pastor or church leader that you trust, a small group Bible study, a recovery group, and/or a Christian counselor.


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