I’m so happy you stopped by! What I’m sitting with these days is this: we can royally mess up our relationships and we can be deeply hurt, but we’ve got a God who will never leave us and who loves us more than we’ll ever be able to understand on this side of the Kingdom’s door. The cool thing is that I’m becoming more and more convinced of this message over the years. That can either be sad, in that it might just be correlating with my level of experienced relational mess; or it can be good, because it means that I’m really, really getting how much God loves me. (I’m thinking it’s a good thing!) That even though I let him down, or assume I am – maybe a thousand times a day – he crazy loves me. That even though I hurt his other children, unintentionally or so I say, he crazy loves me. That even though I may forget to give him more than just a passing glance on any given day, he crazy loves me. That even though I know I don’t deserve it and I feel like I don’t deserve it and I act like I don’t deserve it, he just crazy loves me.
And you know what – he just crazy loves you too. No matter what.
Elisabeth lives in Illinois and is mom to two teenagers. After ten years of leading Women’s Ministry and four years on staff at Christ Community Church, she devotes her time to her relationship with God, her kids, her friendships, her writing/speaking/retreat ministry, and reading as much as she can. Elisabeth is a proud Member of Redbud Writer’s Guild (www.redbudwritersguild.com).
Contact info: [email protected].
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Here’s where you can find some of my writings online:
Perfectly Imperfect
February 2012
7 Questions with an
January 2012
Living Out Your Influence
January 2012
“It’s Not that Bad”:
Emotional Abuse is Not Second Class
January 2012
Barking Dogs
October 2011
What Can One Person Do?
September 2011